
Dropped: RIVERSONG eBook
Riversong eBook Michele Sons Riversong eBook Michele Sons

Dropped: RIVERSONG eBook

IT’S HERE. RIVERSONG: Creative, Artistic Approaches to Photographing New River Gorge is my brand new ebook, filled with instruction and inspiration for creating beautiful photographs in New River Gorge, West Virginia, the site of our nation’s newest national park.

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Musings on Motherland...Appalachia x Ireland x Japan
Storytelling Michele Sons Storytelling Michele Sons

Musings on Motherland...Appalachia x Ireland x Japan

After years of feeling disconnected from the landscapes of Appalachia, recent discoveries about the connections between this land and the lands of Ireland and Japan helps me open up to feeling more at home here. Exploring these connections visually in a new personal project, Musings on Motherland, is a part of that exploration.

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Announcement: The Riversong Project
Michele Sons Michele Sons

Announcement: The Riversong Project

Announcing The Riversong Project by Michele Sons - a solo exhibition of photography of the New River Gorge, accompanied by an ebook, coming in November 2022.

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