Summer On the Allegheny Plateau...

I’ve been missing in action for a while - working hard on my new poster series. But I did find time for a visit to the West Virginia Highlands recently to see it in a new way: draped in the pinks of the early summer rosy azalea bloom.

The first image is shot through the pink azaleas growing trail side. I love these washes of color...

The second image is my first ever sighting of an Indigo Bunting. I was descending from the plateau and was extremely drowsy after days of inadequate sleep, so I pulled over for a nap at a widening in the road with a beautiful view. I rolled my window down and as I started to fall asleep, a beautiful birdsong caught my ear. It was this Indigo Bunting perched on a twig not far from me. Got a couple of shots of it singing it’s little heart out and also recorded the song on my phone. I felt like I’d been given a gift!

Also couldn’t resist a visit one of my favorite waterfalls in the region - found it looking lush and magical.

And a few more scenes from my visit... I hope you enjoy these images from this wild and wonderful place!


Summer Superbloom on the Appalachian Trail


New Product Launching Soon: Appalachian Dreams Poster Series