Pre-Release of Selected Death Valley Images

I recently spent 10 days in Death Valley National Park with my guy, and we REALLY made the most of our time there. I can say with confidence that I worked my tail off, trying to maximize my opportunities to make some new work. We hiked a total of 76 miles during our time there!

Death Valley is “off-brand” for me… since I’m known for my foggy Appalachian imagery (fog in Death Valley seemed HIGHLY unlikley). But that’s precisely why I went - I love to visit new and very different places as a way to challenge myself, a palate-cleanse, if you will. New landscapes allow me to step out of the foggy little Appalachian box I usually exist in, and try my hand at new things. So I was delighted to be able to spend some time in our nation’s largest national park.

Planning for more than a few days meant we would have a chance to experience some different conditions. It turned out that we got some very interesting weather. The storms that were rolling in from off the California coast and causing havoc and tragedy for so many provided us with cloudy skies, rain, rainbows, and my favorite - FOG! - whilst we were there. These sorts of conditions are always jackpot for landscape photographers, but to have them in Death Valley, known as one of the driest and hottest places in the US, was, I don’t know, like hitting the jackpot twice in a row, or a double rainbow (which we saw, by the way!).

To whet your palate (and mine), I’m pre-releasing a mini-collection of the images I made on the trip, with the rest forthcoming after I transition out of this very busy time. I plan to experiment with format for this collection, so stay tuned on this.

As always, thanks for your support and interest in my work.


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