IT’S HERE: DAWNLAND Is Now Available!
This morning I sent out this video to my subscriber family announcing the release of DAWNLAND: Creative, Holistic Approaches to Photographing Acadia National Park 🎉🎉
I can’t tell you how excited I am to be making this announcement - this project has been a LONG TIME in the making, and was substantially delayed due to the passing of my mother last spring. But I have finally brought this labor of love to fruition.
This is the second in my Lyrical Landscapes series - RIVERSONG: Creative, Holistic Approaches to Photographing New River Gorge was the first. DAWNLAND is a more highly evolved execution of the original concept, with twice as much content as RIVERSONG. I have substantially improved “A Brief Geography,” and added “Creative Compass” sections to point you in the direction of your own vision of this very special place.
This educational eBook is intended for landscape and nature photographers of all skill levels. I provide a uniquely holistic approach to teaching, offering both technical and artistic information together – so you can learn about much more than just settings. Photography is art, after all, and settings are only one small part of the equation. Here, you can learn about my approach to the magical Acadia National Park – as a photographer, as a geographer, and as an artist.
Before you move on, I wanted to share my favorite page from the book - I swoon every time I see it as I feel it captures a small piece of the magic I found there… Behold page 172 💚
You can click the link below to read more about this eBook.